Before your baby is born, you should talk with your midwife about your options for routine newborn procedures and tests. Some are optional, while others are required.
Prenatal Classes in Miami: How Childbirth Education Improves Outcomes
How Do I Prepare for My First Prenatal Appointment? 7 Ways to Get Ready for Birth Center Care
Who's Who at Magnolia: Get to Know Our Birth Center Team
Real Contractions vs. False Labor: How Do I Know When I’m Really in Labor?
The Biophysical Profile: What Is this Assessment and Why Is It Important?
The Amazing Placenta: Understanding the Purpose of this Unique Organ
Meet the Midwife: Dawna Insua
Meet Student Midwife Golda Francois
I moved to Tampa, where I attended the University of South Florida and earned my bachelor’s degree in health science. When I went to college, I thought I would be an OB/GYN. However, after shadowing a few providers and working in the hospital, I realized I preferred a more holistic version of maternal healthcare.
Knowing the Stages of Childbirth: Easy as 1, 2, 3
The Anatomy of Labor: Building the Fundus to Open the Cervix
Baby Sleep 101: 6 Myths About Infant Sleep Debunked
Meet Administrative Coordinator Kerra Quarles
Meet Lactation Educator LaDereka Carter
Strategies for Managing Prodromal Labor: How to Identify Early Contractions and Achieve Your Out-of-Hospital Birth
Supporting Your Partner During Childbirth: How to Help Through Each Stage of Labor
Meet the Midwife: Jessica Willison
Premature Rupture of Membranes: What to Do If Your Water Breaks Before Labor Starts
Gently Promoting Labor: 9 Ways to Prepare for an Optimal Birth
Gestational Diabetes: Why Evidence-Based Screening is Important
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is one of the most common problems that can occur during pregnancy. According to the most recent available data, about 6 percent of expectant parents are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, which develops during pregnancy when blood sugar levels are high. Discover our policies and procedures regarding gestational diabetes screening.