The Birth of Ezra
By Magnolia Birth House client, Shannon Peralta
In the fall of 2018, I was about halfway through my first pregnancy when I learned that a friend had started to work as a doula. I wasn’t familiar with birth centers or home birth, but I called her because I was interested in learning more. She shared with me some statistics about birthing naturally and expressed how empowering it is to birth freely. She had done her doula training at Magnolia and encouraged me to contact them.
I reached out to Magnolia for a consultation, and my husband, Jose, and my mom went with me. As soon as I walked in, I fell in love with the ambiance. Everyone was so welcoming and patient, answering all of our questions. My mom had a lot of reservations about birth center birth, but by the time we left, we all felt great about it. I switched from the OB to Magnolia.
On March 4, 2019, my daughter Novalee was born. When I got to Magnolia, I was 8 centimeters dilated, so I thought the birth would be quick and simple. I walked outside, used the shower, and labored on the toilet and the bed. I was thankful that I could move around freely and eat to gain much needed energy. But, looking back, I realize I was too much in my head during the birth of my daughter, which is why I believe it took so long. Even though I was there for 17 hours, I still enjoyed my birth experience.
A Second Birth at Magnolia
When I learned I was pregnant with my second baby, I knew I would go to Magnolia again. My due date was February 28, 2021, but I started feeling contractions at home on the morning of February 19. I asked Jose to come home, and my mom came over to take care of Novalee. After a few hours, the contractions stopped. That night, they started again, so I took a hot shower. As I was sitting in the nursing chair, I felt the contractions get stronger.
“A playlist I had set up for my labor was playing in the background, and all the lights were dimmed, creating a wonderful environment for me to focus on getting my baby boy into the world. ”
Because it was my second birth, I had talked to the Magnolia team about going to the birth center at 6-1-1 (contractions that are six minutes apart, lasting for one minute consistently for one hour), rather than 4-1-1, which is usually the standard recommendation. I was in contact with my doula Carla, and at about 3 a.m., we decided it was time to go to Magnolia. Jessica was the on-call midwife, and even though I hadn’t met her before, she was a godsend. She was absolutely amazing.
When I arrived, I was 9 centimeters dilated, so I wanted to get in the water right away. I knew it would help me with pain management. Jessica told me she had read my file from my previous birth, during which the midwife had broken my water. She gave me that option again. I wasn’t sure, but I trusted Jessica’s recommendation if that’s what she thought would be best. I got out of the tub, and she broke my water. I sat on the toilet for a few contractions, which were much stronger.
I got back in the birthing pool, focusing on being present, embracing it and feeling every part of birth. Jose sat behind me, and my back was against him. I breathed through each contraction. A playlist I had set up for my labor was playing in the background, and all the lights were dimmed, creating a wonderful environment for me to focus on getting my baby boy into the world. My love language is words of affirmation, and Jessica provided that for me, coaching me and encouraging me through each push. Jessica and Carla each held one of my hands as Ezra slowly made his way into the birth pool. Na’imah was the birth assistant, and I could feel her warmth and hear her motivating me as his head appeared.
Instead of being hesitant this time, I felt encouraged and safe. I wasn’t in my head. With every contraction, I would breathe my baby a little further out. I felt every part of it. When the head was coming, I felt the ring of fire. I said to my husband, “Jose, he’s right there. I can feel it!” It was so exciting, like a high. It is truly otherworldly to bring forth life.
Ezra Wilder was born around 5 a.m. on February 20, weighing 8 pounds, 9 ounces. It all happened so fast. I had only been pushing for about 30 minutes. Jessica put the baby on my chest, and I started crying. This was a completely different experience than my daughter’s birth. When she was born, I was happy, but I didn’t cry. Seeing Ezra was somehow more real in that moment. I felt strong and empowered.
I delivered the placenta in the pool, and my bleeding was normal. We then moved to the bed, where we did skin-to-skin, and I put Ezra to the breast. I kept looking at Na’imah for reassurance and she could tell just by looking at me. Every mother wants to hear those magical words, and she said, “Yes, he’s healthy and perfect.”
Postpartum Care With the Magnolia Team
We were home by 9 a.m., which was awesome. Jose and I snuck into our bedroom, and I was excited for our daughter to meet her baby brother. We had gotten a gift from Ezra to Novalee and had been preparing her. She sat down and held him, and we gave her the gift. Then, she went to play. It was so sweet and a relief that she wasn’t scared or jealous of her baby brother.
For my postpartum care, Jessica came to my house for the first appointment. She weighed Ezra and checked me. I felt like I needed to accommodate her, but she said, “No, I’ll come to you.” She sat on the bed with me, and I felt really comfortable with her.
Tamara also provided me with postpartum care, answering my questions about my stitches and bleeding. There was one time when I felt light-headed and dizzy, so I called Tamara. She waited on the phone with me until I felt better and told me that I needed to slow down. I realized that because I had such an amazing birth, I thought I could do more. I felt like Superwoman, but I needed to rest and recuperate.
My breastfeeding journey with Ezra has been great, too. While I never had an official visit with one of the lactation consultants, I did reach out with a few questions. I was thankful that support was available, and we are still nursing.
Overall, my second birth experience with Magnolia was amazing. I absolutely love them and their team. If I have a third, I will most definitely be at Magnolia again — either home or birth center birth. I couldn’t imagine going with anyone else, and I recommend Magnolia to all of my friends.
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